Dr.-Stiebel-Strasse 33
37603 Holzminden, Germany
Email: info(at)
Company registered at
Amtsgericht Hildesheim
Registernummer: HRA 110363
Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer: DE811150571
Partner with personal liability
STIEBEL ELTRON Geschäftsführungsgesellschaft mbH
Dr.-Stiebel-Straße 33
37603 Holzminden
Company registered at
Amtsgericht Hildesheim
Registernummer: HRB 110401
Authorised management
Dr. Kai Schiefelbein
Heinz-Werner Schmidt
Detlef Neuhaus
Chairman of the supervisory board
Dr. Ulrich Stiebel
Dominik Scholz
E-Mail: dominik.scholz(at)
Legal notice/warranty
In spite every care having been taken in the creation of this medium, no warranty is given or implied regarding correctness of content. Information concerning equipment levels and specification are subject to modification. The equipment features described in this medium are not stated as agreed properties of our products. Due to our policy of ongoing improvement, some features may have subsequently been changed or even removed.
Our experts will be happy to advise you about currently applicable equipment characteristics. Pictorial illustrations in this brochure only represent application examples. The illustrations also contain installation components, accessories and special equipment that are not part of the standard delivery.
Liability notice
We are not responsible for damages of any kind that may develop due to information which has been provided on this website.
In spite of careful contents checking, no liability is accepted for the contents of external links. Only the operators of external links are responsible for the content of linked pages.
Consumer arbitration | notice subject to § 36 para. 1 VSBG
We are not willing and not obliged to participate in an alternative dispute resolution at a consumer arbitration board
The entire contents of this website are copyright protected. All texts, illustrations and sound files are protected under copyright laws and other laws for the protection of intellectual property. Contents may not be copied for commercial purposes or for distribution to third parties. Nor may contents be modified or used on other websites. This does not apply if we have expressly made image or graphical material available to you for further use.