Our Sustainability Strategy

Since 1924, STIEBEL ELTRON has combined the success factors of technological expertise, quality, innovation, reliability, and customer proximity. Today, the company is one of the world’s market leading suppliers of technology products for building services and green tech.

Mission, Vision and commitment to sustainability

Our corporate goal is to develop, manufacture and distribute innovative, market-orientated, and energy-efficient high-quality products in an environmentally friendly and sustainable manner. In doing so, we pursue the claim "Comfort through Technology" and offer sustainable perspectives in the field of building technology. We are convinced that electricity is the energy source of the future. As a company, we are therefore setting the course for a sustainable future. We rely on green technologies instead of oil and gas and on environmental energy from air, water, and earth - which is available in unlimited supply.

Sustainability vision

STIEBEL ELTRON pursues the vision of a sustainable future that enables a decent life worldwide.

With our products, we want to enable our customers to lead an environmentally friendly, sustainable, healthy, and comfortable life while preserving the natural basis of life for future generations.

Sustainability mission

We owe it to future generations to contribute to climate protection and thus to sustainable development, not only with our products and solutions, but also in our own processes.

We are therefore committed to incorporating ecological and social concerns into decision-making processes wherever this is compatible with technical and economic requirements.

Our fields of action

In 2023, STIEBEL ELTRON carried out a double materiality analysis for the first time in order to identify positive and negative impacts as well as opportunities and risks of our operational activities.


The following areas of action were derived from the Group-wide materiality analysis of the company and assigned to the three dimensions of sustainability:

  • Environment

    Environmental Protection
    Energy Management
    Product Responsibility

  • Social

    Occupational health and safety
    Responsible working conditions

  • Governance

    Product quality and product safety
    Supply Chain Responsibility

Sustainability measures and activities

Many measures have already been implemented to achieve the defined targets and further measures are being continuously developed. These include, for example:

  • Measures to save energy and emissions, e.g., reduction of CO2 emissions in the infrastructure (reduction of pump energy, replacement of compressors, burner boilers, conversion to LED lighting) incl. energy data planning and recording (by area)
  • Measures to save energy through changes in behaviour, electricity consumption and compressed air consumption
  • Gradual switch to electricity-based and renewable systems (heating, ventilation)
  • Identification of compressed air leaks and elimination of leaks
  • Conversion of the vehicle fleet to electric engines
  • Development of products with a long service life and repairability
  • Measures to reduce the amount of plastic in packaging
  • Introduction of more environmentally friendly refrigerants and reduction of refrigerant quantities in products
  • Measures to save water, e.g., reduction of well water consumption
  • Continuous measures for correct waste separation

Further measures are developed, introduced, and tracked on an ongoing basis.

Basis of the strategy

We base our daily actions on implemented guidelines.

In particular, our ISO 14001, ISO 45001 and ISO 50001 certifications ensure that our sustainability requirements are met in the various areas within our production and all other work processes.

Our Commitment to the UN Sustainability Development Goals

The 2030 Agenda, which was adopted by the member states of the United Nations in 2015, provides a comprehensive framework for realising a globally sustainable society. This framework essentially comprises a total of 17 Nachhaltigkeitsziele (Sustainability Development Goals, SDGs) and 169 targets. The SDGs explicitly call on companies to face up to the challenges and responsibilities and to contribute to sustainable development with their solutions and business practices.


STIEBEL ELTRON is committed to this responsibility and is continuously working on further development to achieve the goals. As we as a company cannot contribute to all 17 SDGs with our business processes and they are not all equally relevant to us, we have decided to focus on those SDGs where we as a company are already making a contribution to achieving the goals. To do this, we used contextualisation based on our materiality assessment to determine the impact of our business activities. Based on our value chain, we were able to identify and assess our most significant social and environmental impacts. We identified both positive impacts that we can increase and negative impacts that we can minimise through our business activities.

SDG 4: Quality Education


SDG 4 calls for equal access for all to high-quality technical and vocational education and training and higher education.

Our contribution

The STIEBEL ELTRON Group offers all employees (of all genders) equal access to high-quality technical and vocational training, including university education. Training at STIEBEL ELTRON has been a high priority for decades.  During an excellent apprenticeship, our trainees and dual students work on exciting projects and benefit from the prospect of being taken on. All employees worldwide also have the opportunity to further their professional and personal development. In total, STIEBEL ELTRON offers eleven different apprenticeships and seven different dual study programs in Germany, for example at the Holzminden and Eschwege sites.

Through targeted training measures for all employees, we promote the skills and motivation of our employees to think and act in a customer- and quality-orientated manner as well as in an environmentally and energy-conscious way. In addition to professional expertise, we also promote the personal development of our employees. We stand for an open error culture and give our employees room for creativity and the realisation of their own ideas.

In the area of personnel development, STIEBEL ELTRON's high-potential programme is aimed at all employees who would like to take on management tasks within the company. This programme prepares managers and junior managers for taking on a new senior management role. The programme is structured in such a way that candidates are prepared individually and together with other participants in a targeted manner for their new role.

At management level, our "Lean & Leadership" management development programme teaches methods for improving processes together with your team, making wastage visible and eliminating it, as well as tackling cross-divisional improvement measures. The aim is to focus on value creation and increasing efficiency. Employees in production are trained in the area of group work. Group work equips employees with responsibilities and competences for their group task so that additional tasks and responsibilities can be taken on.

STIEBEL ELTRON therefore prioritises the positive effects on SDG 4, in particular targets 4.3 and 4.4, and thus contributes to a well-trained skilled workforce. Educational opportunities through training and skills development strengthen society, but also promote motivation and open up career opportunities.

SDG 5: Gender Equality & SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities


SDG 5 calls for an end to all discrimination against women and girls and for unrestricted access to economic and natural resources regardless of gender. It is about equal participation and equal opportunities for women, including in the context of taking on leadership roles. In addition, the core objective of SDG 10 is to promote self-determination and equal opportunities for all people, regardless of age, gender, disability, ethnicity, origin, religion, or other differences.

Our contribution The STIEBEL ELTRON Group does not tolerate discrimination against its employees. No one may be disadvantaged, favoured, or harassed on the basis of characteristics such as gender, skin colour, religion, nationality, political or other convictions, ethnic origin, disability, age, sexual orientation, or any other legally protected characteristics. We promote diversity within the company and an open, inclusive corporate culture. In addition to its own business activities, the STIEBEL ELTRON Group also prioritises the issue of discrimination and equal rights in the supply chain. The company's Supplier Code of Conduct emphasises that our business partners are prohibited from discriminating against people on the basis of a characteristic.

Regardless of gender, STIEBEL ELTRON supports employees on their way to management levels. This is based on qualifications and suitability. In addition to a high-potential programme, STIEBEL ELTRON offers a management development programme that is open to all genders on an equal basis. STIEBEL ELTRON thus makes a positive contribution to the achievement of goal 5 and 10, in particular targets 5.1, 5.5 and 10.2, thus enabling equal opportunities for all.

SDG 7: Affordable and Clean Energy


The challenge of SDG 7 is to give people access to affordable, reliable, and modern energy.

Our contribution

The STIEBEL ELTRON Group believes in the future of electricity from renewable energies and therefore in the success of the energy transition.  Electricity from the sun, wind and hydropower is energy that will still be available to us the day after tomorrow. With intelligent green building technology, STIEBEL ELTRON ensures independence, investment security and thus a sustainable future for its customers. We work every day to provide our customers with energy-efficient heat pumps and ventilation systems through more than 120 sales organisations and representatives worldwide.

At STIEBEL ELTRON, various factors are already taken into account when developing our products: environmentally friendly materials, durability, repairability, modular design for easy replacement of parts, maximising energy efficiency and ensuring compliance with fair working conditions and ethical practices. Our product portfolio is characterised by a strong focus on renewable energy, innovative future technologies, and a contribution to reducing CO2 emissions. Our products are in the top efficiency classes in terms of energy efficiency. In future, we plan to record the product carbon footprint (PCF) for each of our products. This approach enables a detailed assessment and minimisation of the environmental impact at every stage of the product cycle.

We prioritise the positive effects of SDG 7, as our products enable us to increase the proportion of the population that primarily uses clean energy sources for heat generation and ventilation and as the energy efficiency of our products is constantly increasing (SDG 7, e.g. targets 7.1 and 7.3).

SDG 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure & SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production


SDG 9 is aimed at sustainable and resilient infrastructures and industries.  The goal calls on industries to establish sustainable processes and utilise resources and clean technologies efficiently. SDG 12 also aims to change the way we do business. This is specifically about both consumption and production, which must take place within planetary boundaries. It is about reorganising value creation patterns, the circular economy and sustainable supply chains as well as responsible waste management. Companies should also be encouraged to report on their sustainability information.

Our contribution

STIEBEL ELTRON has set itself the goal of reducing a significant proportion of greenhouse gas emissions from its own business activities by 2030 and achieving climate neutrality on the balance sheet in Germany by 2040. To achieve this, STIEBEL ELTRON is implementing various energy efficiency measures and increasingly using cleaner and more environmentally friendly technologies. The company's own production processes are being upgraded. For this purpose, targets and measures have been developed to make its own processes more sustainable and resource efficient. Our Integrated Management System (IMS) provides the basis for these resource conservation initiatives.

STIEBEL ELTRON is certified according to ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 50001, and ISO 45001. The ISO 14001 and ISO 50001 certifications in particular ensure that environmental and energy requirements are met in our production. At STIEBEL ELTRON, the issue of recycling is also reflected in our choice of suppliers, the durability and repairability of our products, and the issue of recycling and waste management. We incorporate environmental and social concerns into our decision-making processes wherever this is compatible with technical and economic requirements. In this way, we reduce our negative impact on both our products and our own operations. Starting in FY 2025, STIEBEL ELTRON will annually disclose its sustainability information regarding waste management, energy efficiency, resource recycling, supplier relations and other non-financial topics. In this way, STIEBEL ELTRON will contribute in particular to environmental goals 9.4, 12.5 and 12.6.

SDG 13: Climate Action


At its core, SDG 13 deals with both climate protection and adaptation to the consequences of climate change. Climate protection measures should be included in planning and strategies so that a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions is driven forward to mitigate climate change.

Our contribution

: Our corporate vision has always been to enable an environmentally friendly and comfortable life. The future is electricity from renewable energies. STIEBEL ELTRON enhances the quality of life and investment security of its customers with electricity-based, future-proof, highly efficient solutions for the provision of space heating, space cooling, hot water, and ventilation in buildings. STIEBEL ELTRON remains an independent family business through sustainable business practices.

We provide our customers with solutions that offer the highest level of comfort while enabling them to make a contribution to climate protection. Our mission is therefore "To make a significant contribution to the worldwide diffusion of highly efficient, electricity-based home technology products". Our efficient products significantly reduce energy consumption and CO2 emissions in the building sector worldwide. We were one of the first companies in Germany to start developing, manufacturing, and selling heat pumps back in 1976 and are now one of the technology leaders in the field of environmentally friendly heating. Climate change is the greatest challenge facing humanity and its consequences affect us all. STIEBEL ELTRON is therefore committed to implementing ambitious measures to minimise the effects of climate change, including in its own production. These measures are implemented in strategies and plans that include climate protection measures. We are therefore making a positive contribution to achieving SDG 13, in particular target 13.2.

What we stand for. What we take responsibility for.

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